Mark McCrea Marine Surveys

A Chartered Marine Engineer with a Diploma in Marine Surveying, Mark McCrea can meet all your survey needs. Member of the Institute of Marine Engineering Science and Technology since 2004. Commenced surveying in 2008. Member of the International Institute of Marine Surveying since 2019. Approved as a Certifying Authority Surveyor in 2020.

Based in Northern Ireland and serving customers right across the island of Ireland.

Marine Surveying Services in Northern Ireland


Leisure Vessel Surveys

As a Chartered Marine Engineer with a Diploma in Marine Surveying, Mark McCrea can perform all types of survey i.e. condition/insurance survey, pre-purchase survey, damage survey, compliance (with a code or scheme) surveys.Read More »

Condition or 'Insurance' Surveys

The most common survey, usually requested by the vessel’s insurer to ascertain the risk of loss of the vessel. This normally happens when a vessel is around 20-25 years old and normally has to be re-surveyed every 5-7 years.Read More »

Pre-Purchase Survey

Usually requested by the potential buyer of a vessel, often once a deposit has been paid. Its purpose is to provide the potential buyer with sufficient information on the condition of the vessel.Read More »

Damage Surveys

Usually requested by the vessel’s insurer to ascertain the extent of the damage and the likely cost of repair. The surveyor only inspects the area of damage, not the entire vessel.Read More »

Commercial Vessel Coding Surveys

Mark McCrea is an IIMS Certifying Authority Registered Examiner and is authorised to carry out vessel coding and compliance examinations for certification by the IIMS.Read More »

Technical & Operational Investigations

Sixteen years of experience on ships with a history of conducting investigations including: main engine failures, floods, groundings, electric shock, equipment loss etc.Read More »

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Work With Mark

Contact me today to discuss your marine surveying requirements.